Saturday, June 2, 2012

Are we done yet?

To say the last few months have been stressful is an understatement.  The school system I work for decided to cut the time special area teachers (art, music, and p.e.) see the kids and to rearrange allocations for certain schools.  That meant the position I currently have does not exist next year since I travel to 3 schools.  The first round of interviews went well, BUT all the schools I applied for decided to keep thier current art teacher.  Great for them, not so great for me.  So, I have another round of interviews at Job fair #1.
Right now, I have managed to land three interviews each at different levels (elementary, jr high, and high school).  At first I was a little intimidated by the upper grades, but I have recently found a new self confidence instilled by my talks with current principals.  All of my evaluations have been good, I am rated as an effective teacher, and two principals who interviewed me the first round said that my interviews were very impressive.  They just didn't have enough evidence to let thier current art teacher go. So God willing, next week I will land the perfect Job and not be scouring the want ads this summer for barista positions.

Last weekend was a really nice break from everything school.  We had a four day weekend and had some friends over for festivities on Memorial day.

How I love seeing kids get blasted in the face with water, it brings so much Joy. LOL!!!

The kids had a blast running through the sprinkler and for atleast an evening I didn't have to think of anything other than how much I enjoy my family and friends.

We also went to the Tincaps came on Saturday.

My little man.

He thought it was hilarious that his tongue turned blue from his ring pop.

Cooper loves going to the games and even asks me every time I pick him up from Grammie's house "Mommy, we going to the Tincaps game."  He has even begun to think that his daddy plays for the tincaps, LOL. A players picture would pop up on the jumbo screen and Cooper would say "That's my daddy!", followed by giggles from the pre-teen girls that were sitting behind us.  And Yes, he has already started flirting with girls, peticularly the cute ones...he has good taste.  

I will update about interviews as soon as I hear from them.  Three more days of school, then...FREEDOM!!!