Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas, the best time of the year!

Another Christmas almost here.  It has come so fast.  This year I have been looking forward to having some time off to spend with family, especially my little guy.  I live for days off.  All the changes this year at work have left me stressed, exhausted, and honestly overwhelmed.  I cannot wait to just detox from school stuff and enjoy some quality fam time.  There have been a lot of interesting discussions this year.  "Are we going to do the whole santa thing?", "What kind of traditions do we want to start in our family?".   Topics I guess I never really thought about until Cooper came along. John and I agree that we don't want to take away the story of Santa from him, or the pure fun that the story brings.  But that's all it is, a story. We want Cooper to know that Santa is not the reason we celebrate Christmas.  We want him to understand that the birth of Jesus our savior is way more important than Santa and presents.  So I'm not sure how it will work itself out this year but, I'm thinking we may not have any presents from santa under the tree. Comment if you would like to share some traditions your family might have.
We are celebrating Christmas at our house this year.  It should be really great! I am so blessed to be able to spend holidays with both my parents/sister and John's Mom and Sister.  I know a lot of families have to travel back and forth making sure they visit everyone, which sometimes can be a real burden even though it's not meant to.  This Christmas should be really neat for Cooper, last year he couldn't even sit up by himself let alone, tear open a present.  This year he will have no problem, and I am even thinking about wrapping up clothes I bought for him for next summer.  I'm sure he will enjoy the boxes more than the gifts.  Isn't that how it works?
Anyway, here are a few photos from our Christmas card photo shoot.  He is such a HAM! ...and you can definitely see his ornery side.  

only two verbs can describe what Cooper is doing at any given moment.  
Running and Climbing...this is the latter.

Monkey Tail.

Very inquisitive.


...and giggles.

Merry Christmas Everyone. Happy Birthday Jesus!