I love that smile!
Action shot. Look at that pose.
My silly little man.
Next week we will be spending the entire week down in good ol' Fairmount Indiana, at our cabin in the Wesleyan Campgrounds. John helps run the sound for the worship rallies that are held for teen campers. Cooper and I will play tag-alongs or "groupies" to the Level13 Band, and in between nap-times and bed-time I will try to be Camp photographer. There will be other kids there for Cooper to play with and many other Mom's there to socialize and share stories of our rambunctious toddlers, so I'm not worried about being bored. In fact, it will be nice to be in a place where I don't have anything to do, being bored actually sounds appetizing.
I love going to camp, it's so nastalgic. A place where time stands still, except for the internet access in the camp office of course. Our cabin is still a work in progress, but it's livable. We don't have wall's around our toilet and no hot water. I know, you're thinking, "That sounds horrible!". But for some reason when your there it really seems to not matter much.
I'll post photos of camp later next week. As for this weekend we have a wedding on Saturday, Cooper's semi-thrown together birthday party on Sunday and lots of packing.