Both John and I have been on retreats with our church this month, which has been much needed and invigorating. It's nice to get away once in a while, and makes us in a better mood. We're still going through Financial Peace on Wednesdays. Talk about a Debbie downer, the information we are learning is very useful, if we would actually apply all of it. I feel like it's exhausting writing up budgets, creating envelopes, I just feel like I don't have time for all that. We are applying the practical stuff though, like cutting down on impulse purchases and we are learning to save, which will help us out on a rainy day.
We figured out our Halloween costumes for this year. I spent most of the day Friday, FWCS had fall break (No, I didn't skip school. Lol), shopping Goodwill. They have 1/2 off weekends once a month and I have kinda made a tradition out of it. I bought Cooper's purple Dragon costume for 5 bucks, what a steal! So the Wall's are kickin' it old school, we're going way back to Medevil Times. John's the knight, aka "Dragon Slayer", I'm the beautiful princess (of course) and Cooper will be the vicious Dragon. We should be a sight for sore eyes, but I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun.
No pictures with this post, sorry. I'll get on that. Lot's of fall festivities to come...
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