Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mommy's Day

I have been a huge slacker lately and haven't posted a darn thing to my personal blog since Spring Break.  I thought I would use nap-time to post some photos from Easter.  

Cooper and I made bird's nests with Peeps.  They were super east to make, and scrumptious! 

 Cooper kept stealing the chocolate eggs inside the nests :)
They were so cute!
He was so fast so some of the photos are blurred.
 Who me? I didn't see any chocolate.  He's not very good at hiding the evidents.

We also had an Easter Egg hunt over at Grammie and Papa's house.  Cooper had a blast finding the eggs...and dumping them out.  As you wil see in photos to follow.

I love that SMILE :)


Cooper looks pretty disgusted with taking photos in this one.

Aunt Jen and Grandma with Cooper.
Grammie and Papa <3
You can turn anything into a drumstick!
He's getting so BIG!

Looking so much like Daddy here.

Church was great this morning! I had the opportunity to sing worship with Beth Burkhardt, who is a super amazing singer and an awesome Mommy to 3 adorable little boys.  We went out to eat @Texas Roadhouse with John's Mom after church and hung out with the Fam.  I love being a Mommy, so glad I got to spend it with the ones I treasure the most.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy's out there!  I pray that you feel loved today and everyday.