Saturday, March 31, 2012

Monster Truck Madness!!!

What an experience for my little man! The monster truck show was a tad overwhelming and he even managed to pee through his diaper he was so scared.  He liked watching everything from a distance, it was when we got up close and personal that he wanted nothing to do with it.  I still remember his cute pouty face when the Monster trucks reved up their engines, "Mommy, go home now".

We felt so bad for him that we bought a light up Monster Truck.  The thing cost us twenty bucks, a total rip off,  but it was the only thing that kept his mind off of how scared he was.  We did get to stay for the motorcycles though, and we got two hours of entertainment out of it, so I would say that it was worth it.

Here are a few photos of our experience.  Some good, some not so much, lol.
But atleast we can say we went to see them.